Ersilia. La città emergente. Seconda stagione

Ersilia. The Emerging City is a podcast in Italian produced by MACTE Museo d'Arte Contemporanea di Termoli, which is available on MACTE Digital and the museum’s Spotify channel. The project is curated by Alice Labor and Ginevra Ludovici and takes inspiration from the city of Ersilia, described by Italo Calvino in his book The Invisible Cities. Ersilia is the city of relationships: the threads running through it show the network and bonds of an impermanent and transitory community.

The podcast was born in 2022 and initially released five episodes, which will be followed by five new ones in 2023. Ersilia narrates a series of locations composing an imaginary place, through the voices of the artists involved and their storytelling. The first season of Ersilia presented Allison Grimaldi Donahue's school, Pietro Ballero's café, Anouk Chambaz's library and film library, Perla Sardella's Assembly of Ersilias, and VacuaMoenia's House of Sounding Cisterns.

In the podcast's second season, which will become available in March 2023 every Thursday at noon, Ersilia's new inhabitants will dialogue with the curators, taking us to Alice Pontiggia's river and the ecosystem that surrounds it; Beatrice Celli's Palace of Superstitions, where the invisible is made manifest and collective rituals are invented; to Eleonora Luccarini's planetarium, an abandoned building that was once used as a set for a mysterious film; to Teresa Satta's port where the nomadic dimension becomes an existential condition of sharing and discovery; and finally to the dense forest of the duo Aterraterra in which visitors are invited to get lost and listen to other living beings.

Ersilia reshapes new ways of being together, by nurturing imagination, attention and through artistic practices. Ersilia's cartography is mobile and malleable, and changes according to the stories of whomever intersects them. From episode to episode, collective visions of possible realities reveal a welcoming and inclusive geography, devoid of geographical, disciplinary, linguistic or logical boundaries. A map made of images allows listeners to find their own path among the voices animating the places through which the city continues to grow.

Concept and curators: Alice Labor, Ginevra Ludovici

with Aterraterra, Beatrice Celli, Eleonora Luccarini, Alice Pontiggia, Teresa Satta

Audio post production: BNC Music

Main theme: sp_overdub

Re-recording mixer: Livio Paulet

Intro voice: Cinzia D’Emidio

Produced by MACTE Museo di Arte Contemporanea di Termoli

Design: Sezione Grafica

Code: Dude
